File Server Resource Manager DSC Resource

With Our Powers Combined we are captain FSRM

I’ve been recently working on combining my three File Server Resource Manager DSC Resources into a single module. This made more sense and will make it a lot easier to maintain.

Integration Testing

At the same time as combining these resource, I also added integration tests (based on the ones that were added recently to the Microsoft xNetworking resource). This identified a number of bugs that had previously been overlooked. If you’re in the DSC resource writing game (or just starting), I strongly recommend adding integration tests early on - it’ll definitely save you a lot of grief and just make life more enjoyable for you and everyone who uses your resource. I intend on writing an introduction article to unit and integration testing DSC resources over the next month - so keep an eye out for it if you’re interested.

The new File Server Resource Manager (cFSRM) resource replaces these old resources which have now been deprecated:

So, if you’re using any of the above resources, you should update your DSC Configuration files to use the new cFSRM one. The resources are completely compatible with the old ones so you should just need to update the Import-DSCModule cmdlet in any configuration files.

Installing the Resource

You can find the new cFSRM resource on Microsoft Script Center or on the PowerShell Gallery.

For those of you using Windows Management Framework 5.0 (or have the PowerShellGet module installed) you can just use the command:

[sourcecode language=“powershell”] Install-Module -Name cFSRM [/sourcecode]

Using the Resource

Rather than go into detail on using this resource, you can find the full documentation and usage examples here.

If you need some additional guidance or other specific examples, please feel free to let me know and I’ll do my best to help you out.


If you’re interested in contributing to this resource, providing feedback or raising issues or requesting features, please feel free (anything is appreciated). You’ll find the resource GitHub repository here where you can fork, issue pull requests and raise issues/feature requests.